1. For chemical proficiency testing program and calibration we are still in the process of fulfilling the requirements of accreditation by KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional). But in terms of experience and competence of our own quality assurance procedures to control the data that we produce that refer to the standard ISO / IEC 17043. And you don’t worry to about our ability, where laboratory resources that we have professional, experienced and expert practitioners involved from LIPI, IPB, BPPT, Ex Lemigas, Trakindo and others.
  2. For Microbiology Proficiency Testing BMD Laboratory cooperate with IFM Quality Services of Australia it’s been accredited by A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation). Accreditation status you can see here… and to see our partnership please check here


IFM Quality Services-BMD Laboratory

Thank you for willingness to work with us…

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Siti Rofikoh


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Siti RofikohDept. Marketing

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